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Legacy ER Frisco
9205 Legacy Drive, Frisco, Texas 75033
1-story, 6,200 SF, emergency and urgent care facility

Healthcare, 6,200 SF
New Construction
Intuitive Health
Interior Designer
Legacy ER is a free-standing 6,200 GSF Emergency and Urgent Care facility in Frisco, Texas, consisting of Urgent Care Rooms, Special Treatment Rooms, Radiology Suites, and Trauma Suites organized around an elemental ceiling spine, originating from the point of patient entry, that bisects through the interior spaces. Aiming for rigorous simplicity and clarity of occupant flow, spatial qualities are likewise mapped logically through the use of light, reflectivity, and translucency. Welcoming the patients, two sandblast-patterned glass volumes hover underneath a continuous zinc-clad roof plane, which turns down at one end to provide an enclosure for a landscape-screened patio area. The diamond-polished integral-color concrete floor adds to the spatial dimension of the interior by reflecting the abundant daylight that comes through rhythmically-spaced skylights above the primary circulation. Translucent resin panels, layered in hues of green, clad the primary operational backbone of the practice, which includes the Reception, Triage, Laboratory, and Nurse Station spaces. The interior is composed primarily of materials more commonly seen in hospitality and wellness environments. The building achieves an engaging balance between the aggressive, vigilant presence on the exterior and a tranquil interior ambience, offering a soothing place of respite for patients seeking emergency care.
2007 Center for Health Design, Healthcare Environment Award
Architectural Record, August 2011
“Legacy ER (Frisco) by 5G Studio Collaborative”
Texas Architect, May/June 2010 Cover
"Improved Model"
The Dallas Morning News, April 2014
“Architecture: Two local clinics take a fresh approach to emergency rooms,” Mark Lamster
World Architecture Review, Vol. 37 No. 203 / 2022
"Legacy ER in Frisco"
ArchDaily, October 2011
"LegacyER / 5G Studio Collaborative"
Contract, October 2007
"Professional Conceptual Winner"
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